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We shoot archery and air gun indoors during normal opening hours.  Members can also use the outdoor archery range both during normal hours and at other times using a key code to gain access.


Our busiest shooting sessions are on Wednesday evenings and Saturday (all day). People new to the club are required attend a beginners course. Courses are held on Saturday afternoon once a month. Alternatively one of our coaches may be able to hold "have a go" session at a time agreed with the coach.


We cater for archers and shooters of all abilities and all ages and encourage anyone new to the sports to come along and have a go.

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Try out archery or air gun shooting, You don't need to be a member. Contact us during opening hours.

Opening Times

Club Opening Times

Monday - Closed

Tuesday - Closed

Wednesday - 9am to 9:30pm

Thursday - 9am to 5pm

Friday - 9am to 5pm

Saturday - 9am to 5pm

Sunday - Closed

Membership Fees

Adults - £85 (2 x £47.50)

Juniors - £55 (2 x £32.50)

Family 1- £135

Family 2 - £115


Family 1 - 1 adult and partner

Family 2 - 1 adult and child


Two Families = Two Adults and one or two children, will receive 20% discount on extra membership

Member Target Fees

(Per session)

Adults Indoor - £6.00

Juniors Indoor - £4.00

Adults Outdoor - £5.00

Juniors Outdoor - £4.00

Non Member Target Fees

£10.00 per session

Sessions are two hours.  Non member sessions may be supervised.

Equipment Hire

(Per session)

Bow Hire - £4.00

Springer Air Rifle - £2.00

PCP Air Rifle - £5.00

If you bring your own bow or air gun you only have to pay the target fees. We sell air rifle target and pellets.  We can also re-gas your own air gun for £1.50.

Club Committee

Chairman - Ged Goulsbra

Secretary - Lynne O'Connor

Treasurer - Dave Smith

Records Officer - Steve Arnold

Equipment Officer - Andy King

Child Protection Officer - Keith Mason

Postal League Co-ordinator - Steve Arnold

County Representative - Position open

Junior Representative - Keith Mason

Website - Steve Arnold

©2023 Trackside Archery and Shooting Club

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